23 Jul

When I discerned in early May to say ‘yes’ to serve at the Finca, I was well aware that fundraising was the biggest obstacle and my greatest fear about the entire commitment. Despite this fear, I felt a strong urging in my heart that God was calling me to live alongside and grow in relationship with those precious, traumatized children at the Finca. I am a fairly self-sufficient person that doesn’t really need to ask for help very often, so the concept of needing to ask for donations from others was overwhelming and frightening. Although I am passionate about how the Finca serves and our overall mission, the fact that I needed to fundraise approximately $10,000-12,000 seemed impossible and absolutely terrifying…. 

Shortly before I started my fundraising conversations, I remembered that past missionaries and other people I talked with throughout the interview process said the Finca is a place of absolute surrender and learning to fully trust in God’s goodness in our lives. As I often try to do in difficult times, I turned to Jesus in silent prayer and asked for the courage and strength to fundraise the amount I needed to go on mission. During this prayer time, I recalled some of the moments throughout my life that God provided for my needs despite my fears and resistance. Some were as life-changing as choosing which college to attend and meeting lifelong friends there, and other times were as simple as receiving some much needed encouragement from my parents after a long day of work. After reflecting on these moments throughout my life, I came to the realization that fundraising will go just fine because GOD ALWAYS PROVIDES! ALWAYS! ALWAYS! 

It may not always be in the manner in which we desire, but God always provides what we need at the right time according to his will. I had to remind myself of this many, many times throughout the fundraising process, but I actually came to really enjoy sharing my mission with family, friends, college coaches, former teammates, and neighbors. I am incredibly passionate about how me and my fellow missionaries will be serving at the Finca, and I truly believe we have the opportunity to positively impact many of those kids’ lives through our everyday relationships and lifestyles. Not everybody has the life circumstances to move to rural Honduras for 16 months, but I loved the ability to offer others the opportunity to move closer to Jesus in their own lives through the means of partnering with me in mission. 

However, asking for money from others is still an inherently challenging task, no matter who the person is that you are talking to. I am incredibly grateful that so, so many people answered God’s call to serve alongside me in rural Honduras, and I will be forever astonished at everybody’s generosity in supporting my mission and the work of the Finca. As I reflect back on my fundraising journey, especially the fears at the beginning, I am reminded of one lesson in particular… GOD ALWAYS PROVIDES!! 

I leave for 8 weeks of language school on August 1st, so please pray for me and my fellow missionaries and for peace in our hearts leaving family and friends! After language school, we arrive at the Finca on around October 1st. Be assured of my prayers for you as well! 

God Bless!

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