Finca del Niño is the children’s home, elementary and middle schools, and medical clinic in Trujillo, Honduras where children receive healing care from a team of Honduran staff, Franciscan sisters, and international missionaries. Farm of the Child USA is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to support Finca del Niño in Honduras. Honduras is the poorest and least developed country in Central America with an abundance of poverty, violence, and crime. Many families are often weakened or destroyed due to these extenuating circumstances, leaving children with nowhere to go. The Finca provides these children with a loving family-style home, and the opportunity to overcome their prior trauma in a way that allows them to love, hope, and live fully again.
Farm of the Child's mission statement is:
In gratitude for the great love that Jesus Christ gives us, we decide to unite ourselves and form a community to care for needy children and to promote the development of a productive society of devout Christians.
You can learn more about Farm of the Child at