21 May

Amid all the amazing craziness that is Semana Santa in the Finca, Luke came to visit!!! IT WAS LITERALLY INCREDIBLE!!! Luke actually stayed at the Finca for about 12 days, and it was our first quality time together since he left the Finca after one year of service in December 2022. Luke is one of my best friends in the entire world, and we had SO, SO much to catch up on since we last briefly saw one another last summer in Philadelphia. Add in the fact that it was a relatively slow time for me as the interim service coordinator since our Spring Break group had already left, and Luke and I were able to spend so much quality time with one another. 

Since I am responsible for the summer volunteers at the Finca as the service coordinator, I needed to take my United States vacation in either April or August to accommodate being with the volunteers all summer at the Finca. After heavy prompting/demanding from Kristen, I decided to come visit in April. What a journey it turned out to be! 

After spending two nights with Nick in Dallas and getting to meet his incredible friend group that he has formed, Nick and I went to Las Vegas for one of my best friend’s bachelor party. Since I won’t be able to make it back for the wedding this fall, I was so grateful to be able to love him well and at least make it for his bachelor party. 

BUT WOW!!! Is there a bigger difference in this world between rural Honduras and Las Vegas?! I’m sure there is, but it was still an incredible shock to my system at times during my 4 days in that crazy city that never sleeps. I still had an absolute blast with Nick and some of my best friends from high school, highlighted by our day at a Flamingo pool party and everyone losing money together and screaming out of joy and anger on a Blackjack table, but I certainly struggled at times to be okay with the wealth and the extravagance that Vegas brings. During those times of struggle comprehending exactly what was happening in the streets, casinos, and night clubs around me, I often found myself craving the simplicity that the Finca brings to my life. I have come to realize what a beautiful gift that simplicity is! 

After my four days in Las Vegas, I spent two weeks in Kansas City!! Kristen actually arrived in Kansas City on the same day that I did, so we were able to spend two AMAZING weeks together! We spent the first week together simply enjoying one another’s presence and valuing the time with one another in person again. In the second week together, we tried to have more intentional conversations on our discernments and where we felt God was calling us to in the future. Keep reading – more to come on this discernment! 

My two weeks in Kansas City were also highlighted with some INCREDIBLE family time, especially with Theo, Wesley, and Felix, my three nephews that are so incredibly fun to be around and are growing up so dang fast. We had some incredibly special family dinners during my time in Kansas City, especially given that Nick and Alyssa made it back from Dallas and Denver, respectively, for a week! Our family time now revolves around the three grandkids running around, but our moments together were filled with breathtaking joy and precious laughter. 

My dad also turned 60 while I was back on my vacation, and my parents and siblings organized one heck of a party to celebrate! My dad’s family was able to visit from New Mexico, and the birthday party was filled with incredible conversations and even a few dance moves as we enjoyed the live music. My dad felt extremely special and loved, as his family and his best friends in the world were able to come together to celebrate his special day! 

I was certainly excited to get back to my home in the Finca after 20 days in the United States, but I am always so grateful to have my family always in my corner, always supporting me to follow my heart and where I think God is calling me, even if that means being in a different country from them for the foreseeable future. I have known many missionaries during my three years at the Finca, and I have come to realize that my family’s unconditional support for my love for foreign mission isn’t always felt by every missionary from their own families. 

That being said, after a long discernment and SO, SO, SO many difficult trials as the interim service coordinator that truly made me hit rock bottom in my life and almost made me leave the place that I love most in the world, I have discerned to become the permanent service coordinator at the Finca for the next 3 to 5 years!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! 

My deepest desire for some time has been to become the service coordinator at the Finca and to stay in the place that I love with my entire heart for at least the next few years, and I am so grateful to receive that opportunity! I have learned SO, SO much during my extremely difficult trials when I first started as the interim service coordinator, and I am now grateful for that difficult time and what God taught me about pure reliance on His love, grace, and mercy. 

On a similar note, Kristen & I have decided to continue to date long-distance as we discern what is next for us in the next year or two. She will actually be going to a SOLT mission in Mexico this coming August, so please pray for her transition and our continued discernment on our relationship going forward! 

Please pray for our 7 summer volunteers that will be coming to the Finca in the next few weeks! 

Please let me know how I can pray for you! 

God Bless!

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